Living Proof of a Loving God
Supported Missionaries

Stephen and Dana Devries and Family
Reach Global
Ministering to unreached immigrants in Birmingham, England.

Matt Moore
District Superintendent – EFCA
As Western District Superintendent, Matt serves the 55 churches and their pastors, in our district. The EFCA exists to glorify God by MULTIPLYING transformational churches among all people. Matt is committed to multi-generational discipleship as observable in 2 Timothy 2:2–1) Paul, 2) Timothy, 3) “faithful men,” and 4) “others also.” Matt strives to keep our focus on engaging every believer-priest in respectful and loving relationships with the yet-to-believers in their lives.

John and Dee Cook
Indigenous Ministries
The Cooks minister in India and the Middle East with nationals to see the Church thrive and expand in local cultures even in the most challenging political situations. In India, John co-founded Grace Bible College in 2003 which today continues to train young men and women for full time ministry. Working in Iraq since 2004, Indigenous Ministries’ work has expanded to include local church partnerships, relief aid to refugees, and a thriving effective Refugee Child Sponsorship Program.

David and Alesya Andrusyak
Send International
The Andrusyak family is serving with SEND International in Russia. Their purpose is to serve the Russian church by evangelizing the lost, nurturing disciples, developing leaders, and planting new churches. David and Alesya have a major emphasis in youth ministries.

Mitch and Tami Mcefee
In – Faith
Mitch is Director of Forward Bible Camp located above Georgetown, CA. Together Mitch and Tami make a dynamic ministry team.

T.J. and Charissa Morris
In – Faith
TJ and Charissa work alongside Mitch and Tami McEfee as missionaries to campers through InFaith Ministries.

Chelsea Cummins
Child Evangelism Fellowship Director
CEF assists churches and individuals impact their community for Christ through effective ministry to children in a Good News Club and 5-Day Club! CEF offers a proven plan, effective training, and high-quality materials focused on sharing the Gospel and bringing neighborhood children and their families into the local church. Our church also sponsors and supplies volunteers for the Georgetown School Good News Club and the Northside School Good News Club in Cool.

Sierra Law Enforcement Chaplaincy

Christian Aid Mission
Indigenous Missions
Christian Aid assists more than 500 ministries with more than 1,000 unreached people groups in more than 100 countries around the world, especially in places where American missionaries are no longer allowed to go. CA operates Bible institutes and missionary training centers where thousands of national christian workers are being trained for missionary service. They also spread the Gospel through crusades, radio, and TV broadcasting, literature distribution, Bible translation, and by providing care for needy children, the disabled, the elderly, and victims of natural disasters.

Jessup University
University Partner
Located in Rocklin, CA., WJU strives to prepare Christians for leadership and service in church and society, through Christian higher education, spiritual formation, and directed experiences. It envisions that graduates will be transformed and help redeem world culture.
Local Missions

Wood Ministry
This ministry exists to provide wood to those in the church and community who are in need of wood to heat their home. Typically, we provide wood to those who have a crisis shortage during a cold snap, are unable to split their own firewood, or are unable to purchase pre-split firewood. The ministry also assists members of the church and community by removing fallen trees that can be split into firewood for ministry distribution. For more information on the Wood Ministry, please contact Ralph Poole.